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Doctors may warn you about tachyphylaxis when using implants. Its essentially a tolerance to estrogen, where you experience symptoms of low estrogen levels while actually having very high levels. Its easily avoided with the correct protocol and occurs if you get new implants based on symptoms (ie when you feel bad) rather than when your levels are actually low (using blood tests). Australian endocrinologist Dr Jonathan Hayes used a nominal value of 800 pmol/L as a minium, though in practice it was often a bit higher than that. As noted by Professor John Studd, simply having supraphysiological estrogen levels is not by itself tachyphylaxis.
The exact meaning of tachyphylaxis in this context is unclear as different papers use different definitions. Wikipedia describes tachyphylaxis as a tolerance to a drug, however the definition with regards to implants varies.
The first use of tachyphylaxis in reference to oestradiol implants appears to be Ganger 1989.
Troublesome symptoms of oestrogen deficiency (flushes, sweats, mood swings, and irritability) in patients with supraphysiological plasma oestradiol concentrations (above 1200 pmol/l, the periovulatory peak) have not been reported previously. We suspect this phenomenon is a form of tachyphylaxis, with successive implants relieving symptoms for ever diminishing periods.
This was followed up by Garnett 1990 defines supraphysiological oestradiol as greater than 1750 pmol/L
A level of 1750 pmol/L was chosen as the upper limit of the physiological range as this had been shown to be the highest level reached in the menstrual cycle of normal women at the time of the pre-ovulatory surge (Diczfalusy & Landgren 1981).
Templeman 1998 says
Tachyphylaxis is a reported problem in some patients receiving implants. The incidence of this condition varies with the definition used. The pharmacological definition is the absence of a response to a pharmacological treatment in the presence of therapeutic drug concentrations. Unfortunately it is difficult to define a therapeutic drug concentration when considering implant therapy because patients may vary in their oestradiol requirements, particularly those with premenstrual symptoms and depression.
... Tachyphylaxis was defined as continuing menopausal symptoms in the presence of a supraphysiological oestradiol level (>1,750 pmoVL)
John Studd says on his website in 2020 of Tachyphylaxis
Too frequent implantation or too high doses of oestrogen leads to supra-physiological oestradiol levels and the recurrence of symptoms even at these high levels...
... There would rarely be an indication for repeat implant if the oestradiol levels are above 1000 pmol but sometimes women with convincing oestrogen responsive depression need even higher oestradiol levels and a repeat implant should not, after very careful consideration, be prohibited. It is wrong to deny women further oestrogen therapy thus making them suffer many months or years of symptoms, particularly depression, anxiety and loss of energy.
By dosing to blood levels tachyphylaxis should no longer exist, but even before that was known it wasn't common.
Garnet 1990 says
Our data show that high serum oestradiol levels with the use oestradiol implants is not a common event, occurring in only 3% of 1388 patients.
Templeman 1998 says
Tachyphylaxis was defined as continuing menopausal symptoms in the presence of a supraphysiological oestradiol level (>1,750 pmo/L)...
The incidence of tachyphylaxis was 1.7% (2 patients).
There don't appear to be many studies on the subject, but the more I read on this subject the less confident I am that tachyphylaxis exists, or if it does the rate at which it occurs.
Tachyphylaxis is supraphysiological oestradiol levels and symptoms of low estrogen levels. The definition of supraphysiological is unclear.
The initial proposal of tachyphylaxis
After the initial proposal of tachyphylaxis in Ganger 1989 the paper Garnett 1990 followed up with a larger study of 1388 women and concluded that rather than tachyphylaxis these high levels of estrogen may be therapeutic.
We conclude that the women who attain supraphysiological levels of oestradiol on implant therapy have a high frequency of psychopathology or surgical menopause and may require higher oestradiol levels for adequate control of symptoms.
Ganger 1991 responded that
Although entitled ‘Hormone implants and tachyphylaxis’, the paper by Garnett et al. [Br Obstet Gynaecol (1990) 97, 917–921] does not address the issue of tachyphylaxis.
And the authors of Garnett 1990 replied in turn
Our only area of agreement with Gangar & Whitehead is that tachyphylaxis is an inappropriate description of this phenomenon. However, this was the term used in their original paper (Gangar et al. 1989) and it is difficult to understand the logic of their protest.
...We reported the oestradiol levels in 1388 women having long-term implant therapy who were seen during one year (Garnett et al. 1990), whereas Gangar et al. (1989) described 12 women collected during an unknown time and from an unknown database with no clinical details.
...There remains some debate about the true prevalence of this finding but an estimation from our large database from a busy specialist practice is more helpful than a ‘show of hands’ at a menopause meeting (Gangar et al. 1990).
...There is no doubt that depressed patients are referred selectively to our clinic. These end up with high oestradiol levels because in the first place, we treat patients with resistant or cyclical depression with higher doses of oestradiol than those with only vasomotor symptoms or the problems of atrophy.
Similarly we treat patients with severe pre-menstrual depression with 200 mg Estraderm patches (Watson et al. 1989) or 100 mg oestradiol implants with the sole objective of elevating the plasma oestradiol levels from normal to high constant levels and have reported significant improvements of severe premenstrual symptoms with these regimens. Of our 38 patients with supraphysiological oestradiol levels 15 were suffering from premenstrual tension which had failed to respond to other treatments.
...Although we reported two women with high oestradiol levels after receiving 50 mg at their last implant, both had been treated for 8 years with regular larger doses (never more than 100 mg) for their depression. Both had been able to discontinue antidepressants for the first time after 10 years of previous use.
Templeman 1998
Templeman 1998 is a retrospective analysis of the records of 188 women and found 2 cases of tachyphylaxis.
They define tachyphylaxis
Tachyphylaxis was defined as continuing menopausal symptoms in the presence of a supraphysiological oestradiol level (>1,750 pmoVL)
and say
Traditionally most patients receive implants when symptoms return. This has led to an increase in oestradiol levels with successive implants. In addition some women may develop tachyphylaxis with successive oestrogen implants. These women will present at increasingly frequent intervals for repeat implants complaining of menopausal symptoms. Their oestradiol levels will often increase to a supraphysiological range (>I ,750 pmol/L).
They have stated they have two patients with with supraphysiological oestradiol levels, but do not appear to show that these two patients had "continuing menopausal symptoms", the other necessary component of tachyphylaxis.
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